By Soren Schepkowski, Wind Cries Mary
Guilt Flip
So, you’ve 10 days left til’ christmas, you’re craving egg nog but don’t want to tell your friends. You’ve tried to save your calories for the big day but you’re ready to give into gluttony. Not too worry, this single serve nog can be made behind their backs in secrecy, with no guilt, and tastes better than any nog you’ve every had. Enjoy 1 or 4, you can bet that I will.
30ml SoV Cask Strength Rye
15ml Nocino (preferably Ampersand Label)
7.5ml Agave (Honey will do)
2 dashes Angostura Bitters
1 Whole Egg
Method: First shake without ice to help combine ingredients, then with ice. Strain through fine mesh (like a tea strainer) to remove any ice chips, and for a clean silky texture.
Glass: Your favourite stemware!
Garnish: Dried anise (or fresh grated nutmeg if you don’t like)
Ice: None, served up!