By Miko Scott, Clarke & Co.
Licorice Pie
This cocktail was inspired by Christmas at my Grandma's place. She LOVED rhubarb, I have fond memories of sitting on a picnic table with my siblings, eating rhubarb from my grandma's garden dipped in brown sugar. But in fall when the crops were reaching the end of harvest, she would freeze the rest of her rhubarb and make preserves, jam, and pie. She also always had a bowl of stale chocolate and black licorice on her living room coffee table. This recipe is inspired by that combination of secondhand cigarettes, chocolate, and licorice. It is best enjoyed while your family argues over cards, although I imagine it tastes alright with a little peace and quiet.
50 ml Paul John Bold
10ml Giffard Rhubarb Liqueur
10 ml Ginger Syrup*
Bar spoon B&B By Bénédictine
Bar spoon Alchemist Distilling Green Frog Absynthe
4 dashes Peychaud's Bitters
Chocolate Bitters (Bitterman's Xocolate Mole Bitters)
Combine in a mixing glass and stir until chilled and diluted.
Strain over ice in a rocks glass.
Peel lemon swath, express over the drink and drop in.
* Ginger Syrup:
If you have a juicer:
Juice desired amount, blend with sugar (2 sugar: 1 ginger juice) until fully homogenized.
If you don't have a juicer:
Blend together desired amount of fresh ginger, with equal parts water, strain though a cheese cloth (make sure to really squeeze that delish ginger juice out), blend together with sugar (2 parts sugar: 1 part ginger juice) until fully homogenized.